
Legacy Projects for Children: Teaching the Value of Family History

August 27, 2024
5 Minutes
eLegacy Team
August 27, 2024
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Let's talk about getting kids involved in preserving those precious family memories. We all know how fast time flies, and before we know it, little ones aren't so little anymore. That's why it's so important to start early, teaching our children the value of family history and legacy. Not only does it help them understand where they come from, but it also gives them a sense of belonging and identity. Plus, involving kids in legacy projects is a great way to keep them entertained while sneaking in some valuable life lessons. Let's dive into some fun ideas that'll have your kids excited about family history! This list is by no means comprehensive, so if it sparks your own idea, we’d love to hear from you.

  • Create a "Family Favorites" Time Capsule: Get a box or container and have your kids decorate it. Then, fill it with items that represent your family right now - favorite toys, drawings, photos, maybe even a USB with a video message from each family member. Bury it in the backyard or hide it in the attic to open in 5 or 10 years. It's like sending a message to your future selves!
  • Start a Family Podcast: Grab a phone or microphone and let your kids interview different family members. They can ask about childhood memories, funny stories, or family traditions. It's like having your own private radio show – and the outtakes will be hilarious.
  • Design a Family Crest: Get creative and design a family crest together. Include symbols that represent your family's values, interests, or heritage. Maybe Dad's love for fishing gets a fish, or Grandma's famous cookies get a cookie symbol. Hang it up and let it be a conversation starter!
  • Make a "Day in the Life" Photo Journal: Give your kids disposable cameras or let them use your phone to document a typical day in your family's life. From breakfast routines to bedtime stories, these everyday moments are the ones we often forget but are so precious. What can we learn from their perspective?
  • Create a Family Idiom Dictionary: Every family has those weird sayings that don't make sense to anyone else. Have your kids compile these phrases, along with their meanings and origins. It's a fun way to preserve your family's unique language and inside jokes.
  • Family Recipe Book: Collect family recipes and create a family recipe book. Invite your kids to draw a picture of each recipe. Cooking these recipes together can be another fun and educational activity!
  • Build a Family Memory Jar: Get a large jar and some colorful paper. Throughout the year, have family members write down good memories, accomplishments, or funny moments and add them to the jar. On New Year's Eve, read them all together. It's a great way to reflect on the year and remember all the little moments that made it special.
  • Design "Family Trading Cards": Create trading cards for each family member, including grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Include fun facts, "stats" (like number of jokes told or books read), and a photo. It's a playful way to help kids remember family information and stories.

Remember, the key is to make it fun and let your kids take the lead. Who knows? They might come up with even better ideas than we can think of!

Thank you for reading. 

If you haven't taken the time to capture your legacy, or the legacy of an important person in your life, we encourage you to do so now. We at eLegacy can help, visit us at to learn more. Happy storytelling!