
Capturing Legacy.
Made Simple.

Preserving your family's legacy through high-quality video experiences can have a profound impact on future generations. It also allows the legacy holder a place to share their story, experiences, and wisdom for future generations. Our expert facilitators conduct interviews with your family members, capturing their stories and wisdom for years to come.

Capture Memories

Our facilitators use thoughtful questions, topics, and genuine curiosity to create engaging video interviews that capture your family members' unique memories, personality, and experiences.

Preserve History

Individuals contribute to the collective history and culture of their communities, families, and societies. Capturing their legacies helps preserve the stories, experiences, and contributions of these individuals for future generations to learn from and appreciate.

Inspiring Future Generations

A person's legacy can serve as a source of inspiration for future generations. It can demonstrate the potential for positive impact and provide role models for young people to emulate.

Learning & Growth

Reflecting on a person's legacy can offer valuable insights and lessons. It can help us understand the successes and challenges they faced, the values they held, and the principles they lived by. This knowledge can inform our own decisions and actions.


Record Your Family's History with Personalized Videos

At eLegacy, we understand the importance of preserving your family's stories and memories. Our unique service connects you with expert facilitators who will interview your family members, customize questions, and create a memorable video experience that captures the essence of your loved ones. With eLegacy, you can create a lasting legacy for future generations to cherish.

Interview Your Family

Our experienced facilitators will conduct in-depth interviews with your family members, ensuring their stories are captured authentically.

Customize Questions and Topics

You have the freedom to provide specific questions and topics that you want your family members to discuss during the interview.

Create a Memorable Video Experience

Our expert facilitators will transform the interviews into a professionally edited video that captures the essence of your family's legacy.


What People Are Saying

“The process was so easy. To be able to capture this from the comfort of my own home without people coming in to record made it much more comfortable than I had anticipated.”


“It was more fun than I was expecting. I had forgotten some of the stories of my life. It was rewarding to revisit them and know they are preserved for future generations.”


“This product is such a gift, both for the person recording their legacy and for their family to explore it. Even more important, to have it for coming generations.”


“Having a recording of my parents is a family treasure. Their grandchildren will always have a recording of their grandparents and their life story. So glad I did this. Priceless to know I have it.”


“I am so glad that I didn't wait to have this done. Now the entire family has my Dad’s life story, in his own words, on video with all his quirks. Hearing his voice and seeing him brings a smile to my face every time.”


“Having a recording for my future son or daughter is exciting and creates a sense of comfort. It will be fun to watch it in a few years to see how I have grown. It's like having a time capsule about my current life that will be opened by my family in the future.”


“So grateful to have this for all my sisters and I. Priceless.”



Real Talk, Lasting Legacies

Come on over to our blog where we share down-to-earth insights on preserving legacies. At eLegacy, we're all about real stories, genuine passion, and helping you shape memories that truly last.


The eLegacy Experience

Experience the joy, comfort, and ease of preserving your family's legacy with eLegacy. Many of the interviewees actually find this process fulfilling and FUN! We hope that you will too. We do our best to make the process streamlined and easy for all levels of tech awareness.

Onboard Process

Sign up and provide information about your family members, your desired topics and questions.

Interview Stage

Our expert facilitators will schedule and conduct online interviews with your family members.

Video Creation

We will create a high-quality video capturing the legacy of your family members and share the secured video with you once we have it completed.

Legacy Captured
Preserve your family's legacy today.
Expert Facilitators
High-Quality Videos
Legacy Preservation
Family Interviews
Personalized Experience
Secure Data Storage
Easy-to-Follow Process
Stellar Customer Support
Share with Loved Ones
Get started

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the process work?

Please see the video below for a quick overview of the process.

How long does the process take?

Depending on the product you purchase, the total time until you receive your video will vary. The interview itself will take between 60 and 90 minutes. The video editing process should be completed within a week of the interview. You will receive email updates when your project is complete.

How does the interview scheduling process work?

24 hours after your purchase, your loved one will receive an email to the email address you provided. We will also copy you on the email so that you can assist them with scheduling (we find the scheduling part to be the biggest hurdle in getting their legacy capture completed). From there, your loved one will choose a date and time that works with their schedule.

Who does the interview?

We have a group of highly empathetic and trained professionals. Most of them have either a coaching or therapy background. All of them are deeply excited by the work they are doing. Their job is to make the interviewee feel comfortable, and make the process easy and enjoyable while capturing the essence of your loved one.

What does it cost?

For our basic capture, which includes a 60 minute interview (resulting in about a 45 minute legacy video), the cost is $295 USD. For a longer recording session, or multiple recording sessions, please contact us at

Have more questions?

Check out our extended FAQ Page or please feel free to contact us at

Capture Your Family's Legacy

Preserve Memories for Future Generations